Roundheads at the Tower

A Brief History of the Parliamentarian Tower of London

Further Reading

  • Adamson, John, The Noble Revolt The Overthrow of Charles I, London, 2009.
  • Ashton, Robert, The English Civil War Conservatism and Revolution 1603- 1649, London, 1979.
  • Bayley, John, The History of the Tower of London: The History and Antiquities of the Tower of London with Memoirs of Royal and Distinguished Persons, London, 1830.
  • Blackmore, HL, The Armouries of the Tower of London The Ordnance, London, 1976.
  • Braddick, Michael, God’s Fury, England’s Fire A New History of the English Civil Wars, London, 2009.
  • Challis, C.E., Dyer, G.P., The Arms of the Royal Mint, 1986.
  • Charlton, John Ed., The Tower of London: Its Buildings and Institutes, London, 1978.
  • Clark, David, The English Civil War, Harpenden, 2008.
  • Coates, Ben, The Impact of the English Civil War on the Economy of London, 1642-50, Aldershot, 2004.
  • Colvin, HM Ed., The History of the King’s Works 1485-1660, Vol. 3., Part. 1., London, 1975.
  • Craig, John, The Mint, London, 1953.
  • Edwards, Peter, Dealing in Death, The Arms Trade and the British Civil Wars 1638-52, Stroud, 2000.
  • Firth, CH, Cromwell’s Army, London, 1902.
  • Fletcher, Anthony, The Outbreak of the English Civil War, London, 1981.
  • Gregg, Pauline, Free-Born John The Biography of John Lilburne, London, 2000.
  • Gaunt, Peter, The British Wars 1637-1651, London, 1997.
  • Gentles, Ian, The New Model Army In England, Ireland and Scotland, 1645- 1653, Oxford, 1992.
  • Harrison, Brian, Ed., The Tower of London Prisoner Book, London, 2004.
  • Haythornthwaite, Philip, The English Civil War 1642-51 An Illustrated Military History, London, 1994.
  • Henry, Chris, English Civil War Artillery 1642-51, Oxford, 2005.
  • Hill, Christopher, God’s Englishman Oliver Cromwell and the English Revolution, London, 2000.
  • Hill, Christopher, The World Turned Upside Down Radical Ideas During the English Revolution, London, 1991.
  • History of Parliament Trust Ed., Journal of the House of Commons, 1802.
  • History of Parliament Trust Ed., Journal of the House of Lords, 1830.
  • Hughes, Ann, Causes of the English Civil War, Basingstoke, 1998.
  • Hughes, Ann, Gangraena and the Struggle for the English Revolution, Oxford, 2004.
  • Hughes, Ann Ed., Seventeenth-Century England A Changing Culture: Primary, Vol. 1., London, 1988.
  • Impey, Edward, Ed., The White Tower Book, London, 2008.
  • Impey, Edward, Parnell, Geoffrey, The Tower of London The Official Illustrated History, London, 2000.
  • Ives, E. W. Ed., The English Revolution 1600-1660, London, 1968.
  • Jones, Nigel, Tower: An Epic History of the Tower of London, London, 2011.
  • Keay, Anna, The Elizabethan Tower of London The Haiward and Gascoyne plan of 1597, London, 2001.
  • Kightly, Charles, Strongholds of the Realm Defences in Britain from prehistory to the twentieth century, London, 1979.
  • Leff, Vera, Blunden, G. H., The Story of Tower Hamlets, London, 1967.
  • Lindley, Keith, Popular Politics and Religion in Civil War London, Aldershot, 1997.
  • Macray, WD, Ed., Clarendon, The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, London, 1958.
  • Manning, Brian, Aristocrats, Plebeians and Revolution In England 1640- 1660, London, 1996.
  • Milford, Anna, Ring the Bells of London Town, Lavenham, 1978.
  • Morrill, John, Ed., The Impact of the English Civil War, London, 1991.
  • Murphy, Clare, Souden, David Ed., Prisoners of the Tower, The Tower of London as a state prison, 1100-1941, Surrey, 2004.
  • Notestein, Wallace, Ed., The Journal of Sir Simonds D’Ewes From the Beginning of the Long Parlaiment to the Opening of the Trial of the Earl of Strafford, London, 1923,
  • Parnell, Geoffrey, The Tower of London Past & Present, Stroud, 1998.
  • Pearl, Valerie, London and the Outbreak of the Puritan Revolution, London, 1961.
  • Porter, Stephen, Ed., London and the Civil War, London, 1996.
  • Porter, Stephen, Marsh, Simon, The Battle for London, Stroud, 2011.
  • Porter, Stephen, The Tower of London – A Biography, Stroud, 2012.
  • Powell, JR, The Navy In The English Civil War, London, 1962.
  • Purkiss, Diane, The English Civil War A People’s History, London, 2007.
  • Richardson, Thom, The London Armourers of the 17th Century, Leeds, 2004.
  • Rodger, N.A.M, The Safeguard of the Sea A Naval History of Britain, 660- 1649, London, 2004.
  • Rowse, A.L., The Tower of London in the History of the Nation, London, 1974.
  • Tanner, J.R., English Constitutional Conflicts of the Seventeenth Century 1603-1689, London, 1947.
  • Watson, DR, The Life and Times of Charles I, London 1972.
  • Wilson, Derek, The Tower 1078-1978, London, 1978.
  • Woolrych, Austin, Battles of the Civil War, London, 1961.
  • Worden, Blair, The English Civil Wars 1640-1660, London, 2009.